Welcome to our Japanese Literature Research Lab!
Ehime University
Faculty of Law and Letters
Japanese Literature Research Lab
A great literary work can be a key to finding your own way of living
About Us / Introduction to our Japanese Literature Research Lab
Our Japanese Literature Research Lab is part of the Faculty of Law and Letters at Ehime University, which is located in Matsuyama, the capital of Ehime Prefecture. From days of yore, sea travel on the Seto Inland Sea has been an important part of the culture in this area and has contributed to the exchange of cultural ideas with not only other areas in Japan but also with other cultures from abroad. Matsuyama is well known as “Haito” (Haiku Capital), and many famous poets such as Kurita Chodo and Masaoka Shiki lived here in Matsuyama.
Our main activities include;
1. Managing the “Ehime-Daigaku Hobun-gakubu Kokugo-Kokubungakkai” (Association for Japanese Linguistics and Literature of Faculty of Law and Letters, Ehime University)
2. Publication of academic journal; “Aibun”
3. Overseeing the university’s “Kokugo-Kokubungakkai” (Society of Japanese Linguistics and Literature) student activities
Following is a brief description of what we do. If you are interested in Japanese language, literature, culture, and our lab, we would love for you to come and join us in our laboratory!